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Implementing an Automated a Model Training CI/CD Pipeline

This tutorial shows how to initiate proxiML training jobs using GitHub Actions as part of a model CI/CD pipeline.

The model training code is sourced from the PyTorch Examples repository.


Before beginning this example, ensure that you have satisfied the following prerequisites.

GitHub Setup

On GitHub go to the example repository and fork it using the Fork button in the upper right. Once the fork is complete, navigate to the Settings tab of the new repository, and click Secrets. Create two new repository secrets (through the New Repository Secret button in the upper right) called PROXIML_USER and PROXIML_KEY. Set their values to the user and key properties of a credentials.json file of a proxiML API key for your proxiML account.

Go to the Actions tab of your repository and click the button to enable workflows.

Executing the Workflow

To activate the workflow, make a minor change to the file and commit your changes to the master branch. On the Actions tab, you will see a new workflow run. When the workflow run completes, expand the Create Training Job step to see the log output from the training job creation.

Navigate to the Training Job Dashboard. You will see a new job called Git Automated Training - <commit hash>. Click the View button to observe the training progress.

When the training job finishes, navigate to the Models Dashboard. Here you will see the saved model with both the code and the training artifacts from the specific commit that originally initiated the workflow. This model can now be used for subsequent inference jobs, or examined with a notebook.

Understanding the process

The .github/workflows and scripts folder contain the files that facilitate this process. The rest of the repository represents the model code itself. The .github/workflows folder contains the yml files that define the GitHub workflows and the scripts folder includes the files that are ran by the steps in the workflow. The scripts files are what use the proxiML SDK to provision resources on the proxiML platform.


This file defines the GitHub Workflow. The contents are the following:

name: Run Model Training
on: [push]
if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: 3.8
- name: Install Dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install proximl
- name: Create Training Job
run: python scripts/

This file directs GitHub to run this workflow when a change is pushed to the repository. The workflow consists of a single job called Create-Training-Job that will only run if the push is to the master branch. This job has 4 steps. The first pulls the repository and checks out the commit, the next two setup the environment and install the dependencies, and the last runs the script from the scripts folder. The last step uses GitHub Secrets to make the proxiML API Keys available as environment variables. By using these exact environment variable names, the proxiML SDK will use them implicitly for authentication.

This file gets called as the last step in the GitHub Workflow and actually creates the training job for the commit that activated the workflow. The contents are the following:

from proximl import ProxiML
import asyncio
import os

proximl_client = ProxiML()

async def create_job(build_serial):
job = await
name=f"Git Automated Training - {build_serial}",
gpu_type="RTX 2080 Ti",
f"git checkout {build_serial} && python --epochs 2 --batch-size 64 --arch resnet50 $ML_DATA_PATH 2>&1 | tee train.log"
datasets=[dict(id="ImageNet", type="public")],

return job

if __name__ == "__main__":
job ="GITHUB_SHA")))

## Job information should be saved in a persistent datastore to pull for status and verify completion

The create_job function creates a new job with the name Git Automated Training - {build_serial} where the build_serial is available as the GITHUB_SHA environment variable. The worker command explicitly checks out this specific commit that is creating the training job to avoid a race condition between job creation and new commits being pushed to the master. The rest of the command simply runs the model training code with the desired parameters.

Since the purpose of this process is to evaluate the training results of new model code updates, this file hard codes the dataset (in this case, to ImageNet) so that all commits will be trained on the same data. The model definition is specified using boiler-plate code that automatically sets it as the git repository that is calling this workflow.

Because the output_type is set to proxiML the results of this training run will be saved as a proxiML Model with the job name prefixed by Job - , so the model name will also include the build serial.